Guillermo Guerrero Ibarra

Software Engineer


I am passionate about new technologies and everything that moves around software. I enjoy making efficient, clean code and improving my skills as a programmer. In the last years I have been mainly working in web services also I enjoy with DevOps. Whenever I have some time off I enjoy with my personal projects, running, watching TV shows and traveling to discover new places and cultures.

Work Experience

Software Developer

Telleroo | November 2022 - Present

Telleroo is a payment automation platform that removes the payment anxiety from your finance teams. It shows high risk changes, failed payments and syncs directly with Xero accounting software. I joined as a full stack developer.

  • RubyOnRails, Golang, Elixir, AngularJS and AWS

Software Developer

Deliveroo | June 2021 - November 2022

Deliveroo is a British online food delivery company and operates in several countries. I joined financial integrity team.

  • RubyOnRails, Scala, Golang and ReactJS

Lead Developer

FCM Travel Solutions, France | March 2017 - June 2021

FCM Travel Solutions is the corporate travel business of the Flight Centre Travel Group. Provide different software solutions for companies and their employees like customized company dashboards, booking tools, approving system, etc. I joined to the development team (French division) and after a while I was promoted to lead developer with new responsibilities like taking decisions, design new software, infrastructure maintenance and assist newcomers.

  • RubyOnRails, Elixir (PoC, prototypes), Docker, Terraform, AWS, Ansible and Digital Ocean

RoR backend developer (P/T Contractor)

ADL Partner Hispania | March 2019

ADL Partner Hispania is a Spanish company offering a fidelity and ERP software. I developed new features for this software, new endpoints and functionality to the API.

  • RubyOnRails and Heroku

RoR developer (P/T Contractor)

Charplanet (Nisgo) | March 2017 – August 2017

Charplanet is an Asiatic startup and offers an advertisement screen service to companies. This service allows to companies to decide which advertisement render in their screens, these campaigns can be configured using some variables like time, localization, people around, etc. I developed new features and introduced ReactJS to this service.

  • RubyOnRails, ReactJS, MongoDB and AWS

Software Developer

AirRefund | March 2016 - March 2017

AirRefund is a startup from FCM Travel Solutions group offering a claim service for flight disruptions using the EU flight compensation regulation. The startup has two websites, one for the clients to push their claims and another internal for the agents to be able to process these claims. I developed new features to improve the client’s experience and also the agent’s productivity.

  • RubyOnRails, ReactJS, Heroku and AWS

Software Developer

Freelance | April 2015 – March 2016

I worked as a freelancer for some software consultancies, during these time I learned about Ruby on Rails, Django, react-native and DevOps.

  • RubyOnRails, ReactJS, react-native, Angular, ElasticSearch, Vagrant, Chef, Ansible and Docker

RoR Developer

Simpple | August 2013 – April 2015

Simpple is a Spanish software consultancy and offers software developed using Ruby on Rails to different clients.

  • RubyOnRails, Vagrant and Chef

Software Developer

AST Research Group (Cloudlab) | October 2011 – July 2013

AST Research Group belongs to Universitat Rovira i Virgili, this group is focused on create software for distributed systems. I joined in the context of Real Cloud Project to offer a storage service multi-platform solution using OpenStack Swift for small companies like Dropbox. During my journey at the group, I did my final bachelor project.

  • Java, Python and Ruby

Software Developer

Viajes para ti | December 2009 – October 2011

Viajes para ti is a Spanish travel agency, the agency offers two distinguish experiences to travelers depending on the season, the agency during the winter offers Sky and Snowboard experiences and during the summer offers adventure packages. The agency has two main websites: and When I joined the development team, I developed small features to the old platform and in parallel I had the opportunity to rebuild the website from scratch.

  • PHP

Software Developer (P/T)

Universitat Rovira i Virgili | February 2011 – April 2011

URV has different departments, I worked for statistical department to develop statistical functions in PHP to integrate later with Moodle at Statistical course. The professors use this functions in classroom and to correct the statistical exams.

  • PHP

Software Developer (P/T)

Universitat Rovira i Virgili | March 2010 – May 2010

URV in collaboration with ASPACE built a web service to be able to create different questionnaires.

  • PHP

Software Developer

Emdep | February 2008 – September 2009

Emdep is a key player in the automotive industry, the company develops software to test control equipment for electric components in vehicles. Also does physical equipment’s to test fuse boxes, harness connectivity, etc. I joined the computer vision team, I mounted and prepared vision equipments and I had the opportunity to set up these equipments to customer sites.

  • Visual Basic and .NET C#